An interactive, educational application that boosts proficiency in the interpretation of functional pharmacological data through the visual and quantitative analysis of agonist and antagonist dose-response relationships.

Dose-Response Visualiser

This tool is used to visualise how changes in the characteristics of agonists, receptors and cells influences the agonist dose-response relationship. This tool can also be used to visualise how different classes of antagonist can dose-dependently change the shape and position of agonist dose-response curves.

Investigate the patterns!

Schild Plot Generator

This tool is used to develop competencies in the quantitative analysis of the effect of competitive antagonists on agonist-induced effects in functional assays – the powerful Schild Analysis.

See it at work!

Schild Plot Analysis Quiz

In the Quiz tool, users apply their understanding of the Schild approach together with the SPIKES mnemonic to test their competencies in identifying receptors that mediate agonist-induced functional effects.

Try the Quiz!